To create educational & career opportunities for students of diverse backgrounds to obtain a college degree and join the Lehigh Valley workforce.
To identify students in need of college financial assistance that agree to follow the BEST, Inc. guidelines while they pursue a degree in their chosen field of study.
Board of Directors
The Board shall consist of up to seventeen (17) directors. The BEST, Inc. Board of Directors shall consist of representatives of the surrounding communities including educators, community leaders, entrepreneurs and business professionals. A member of the Board of Directors shall serve no more than two (2) consecutive terms in the same position. There shall be no compensation for being a member of the Board of Directors.
Any Director may resign effective upon giving written notice to any officer of the Board. The Board of Directors including officers shall meet on the first Wednesday of each month.
Any Director may be removed, with cause, at any time by a two-thirds vote of active members present at a meeting at which a quorum of Directors is present. “With Cause” shall mean conduct detrimental to the organization or the Director’s incapacity.
Board members will serve for a period of three (3) years, ending December 31st. The Board will vote to re-install the Board members at the first meeting of the following year.
Board members will serve for a period of three (3) years, ending December 31st. The Board will vote to re-install the outgoing Board members at the first meeting of the following year. A Board member may leave his position at any time prior to the end of his term and the new member would serve the remainder of unexpired term.
No member of the Board will use the association of being on the Board to solicit business from fellow Board members, friends, students and their families, business associates of or donors to the BEST Inc scholarship organization.
Any Director may also be removed for missing three (3) consecutive regular meetings or more than fifty percent (50%) of the regular meetings of the Board of Directors in a ten (10) month period without justification or valid reason. A member of the board can make a motion to have them removed at the fourth meeting, or after the first year of the violation.
Missing three (3) consecutive meetings without justification or valid reason automatically constitutes inactive status as a Board member and disqualifies them from voting. Member must attend two of next three meetings to regain active status. They may vote at third meeting.
Each Director must be assigned to a specific committee to oversee our goals.
Each Director shall pay yearly dues of one hundred dollars ($100.00) to the BEST organization. These dues are used to offset operational office expenses such as postage and printing. Dues are expected to be paid no later than the second meeting of the fiscal year.
The fiscal year of BEST, Inc. shall run from October 1st – September 30th.
Honorary Director
The Board of Directors, and elected officers has the power to bestow the title of Honorary Director to any individual they consider worthy of the status. An Honorary Director is not required to meeting attendance requirements, and is allowed to vote on any issue, either via attendance, or proxy vote via phone at time of meeting. If member is unavailable for meeting, or via phone, their vote is not valid. Honorary Directors that make donations over five hundred dollars ($500.00) are not required to pay yearly dues of one hundred dollars ($100.00).
Elected Officers
The Board of Directors shall consist of four (4) elected Officers selected by the Board of Directors.
The Chair and Vice Chair shall be elected/re-elected by a majority vote of the Board of Directors every other June and shall serve a term of two (2) years.
The Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected/re-elected by a majority vote of the Board of director’s every other June and shall serve a term of at least two and one half years (2 ½) and no more than three (3) years.
There shall be no compensation for Officers.
Any Officer may resign effective upon giving written notice to any Board member or Chairperson.
Any Officer may be removed, with cause, by the Board of Directors at any time by a two-thirds (2/3) vote at a meeting at which a quorum of directors is present. “With Cause” shall mean conduct detrimental to the organization or the Officer’s incapacity.
Any Officer may also be removed for missing three (3) consecutive regular meetings or more than fifty percent (50%) of the regular meetings of the Board of Directors in a ten (10) month period without justification or valid reason. Missing three (3) consecutive meetings without justification or valid reason automatically constitutes inactive status as a Board member and disqualifies them from voting.
Member must attend two of three next meetings and may vote at third meeting.
The Chairperson will oversee all committees and conduct all meetings.
Vice Chairperson
In the absence of the Chairperson, the Vice Chairperson will oversee all committees, conduct all meetings and see to daily business.
The Secretary shall be responsible for recording minutes and organizing meeting agendas with the input of the Chairperson and the Vice Chairperson.
The Secretary shall assist the Chairperson and the Vice Chairperson with daily business, and maintaining business records.
The Secretary shall assist the Treasurer with maintaining the organization’s bookkeeping.
The Secretary will oversee all communications with the students.
The Treasurer shall be responsible for maintaining monetary records. Orders for the payment of money shall be signed by an elected Officer. Orders for payment in excess of five hundred dollars ($500) shall require Board approval. The Treasurer shall be responsible for filing all related tax forms on behalf of the BEST organization.
Quorum for Meetings
A minimum of two Officers and one third of active Board members is required for a meeting to be held. Members should notify Secretary forty-eight (48) hours in advance if they will be unable attend a meeting.
The Officers and Board of Directors shall appoint Committee members to each Committee as needed, and add additional Committees if required. Every Board member is required to be on a minimum of one (1) Committee.
Scholarship Selection Committee shall be comprised of up to five (5) representatives of the Board of Directors. There shall be a committee lead(s) appointed by the committee.* The Scholarship Committee shall accept applications twice per year. Deadlines for these applications are April 1st and November 15th.
High School Presentations
Collection of Scholarship Applications
Selection & notification of Scholarship Recipients
Decisions on reward benefits to students
Fundraising Committee shall be comprised of up to seven (7) representatives of the Board of Directors. There shall be a committee lead(s) appointed by the committee.
Grant Writing
Soliciting funds all year
Plan annual fundraising banquet
Various fundraising efforts
Student Mentoring Committee shall be comprised of up to three (3) representatives of the Board of Directors. There shall be a committee lead(s) appointed by the committee.
Seek volunteers to mentor each BEST, Inc. scholarship recipient
Produce forms, surveys
Committee lead(s) shall oversee mentor volunteers
Partnership Committee shall be comprised of up to six (6) representatives of the Board of Directors. The Committee will be overseen by the President and Vice President.
Partner with local middle school and high schools to reach out to potential scholarship recipients
Partner with post secondary schools for matching scholarship funds
Partner with local businesses to seek funding opportunities and community relation support
The Post-Graduate Mentoring Committee shall be comprised of up to five (5) representatives of the Board of Directors. There shall be a committee lead(s) appointed by the committee.
Provide post-graduate guidance and support for job-seeking, setting up finances, housing and daily living skills
Track employment and attendance at BEST, Inc. functions
The Board of Directors can form ad hoc committees as needed. Each committee shall be comprised of at least two (2) board members.
If the company is dissolved, all assets shall be distributed to one or more charitable organizations.
*Amended May 28, 2014 (Secretary, Board of Directors based on vote approval at the April 2, 2014 Board Meeting)
Amendments to By Laws
These by laws may be altered, amended, or repealed and new By-Laws adopted by approval of two-thirds (2/3) of the Board of Directors present at a meeting in which a quorum is attained. To alter or amend the By-Laws, the change(s) must be read at one meeting and approved at the next.