We have the BEST volunteers! Our organization is driven by the kindness and dedication of our Board of Directors, all of whom donate countless hours to raise money, plan events, and support our scholars.
Current Board Listing
Billy Staples, BEST Co-Founder, Author, Speaker, Educator
Darlene Funesti, TD Bank
Chris "Breeze" Barczynski, Musician & Recording Artist
Bill Haelig, Robertson Insurance Group
Margie Markus, Phillipsburg School District (Retired)
Tom Ruppe, Halls Warehouse (Retired)
Melissa Ruschak, Pleasant Valley School District
Mo Taylor, Restaurateur - Board Vice President
Honorary Board Members
Judy Tierney, BEST Co-Founder, Career Institute of Technology
Joe Brake, Coca-Cola Lehigh Valley Bottling
Martye Cohen, Cohen Feeley Altemose & Rambo, P.C.
Ray Burris, BEST Ambassador, Major League Baseball Player (Retired)
Danny Jackson, BEST Ambassador, Major League Baseball Player (Retired)
Randy McGilberry, BEST Ambassador, Major League Baseball Player (Retired)